Different types of resistors and its color code calculation in electronics resistors are the most commonly used components in electronic circuits and devices. An electronic color code is used to indicate the values or ratings of electronic components, usually for resistors, but also for capacitors, inductors, diodes and others. Because carbon resistors are physically small, they are colorcoded to identify their resistance value in ohms. The standards for color coding registers are defined in international standards iec 60062. Since the average resistor is too small to have the value printed on it, the resistance value is displayed using the color code the colored barsthe colored stripes. Resistor color code chart resistors are devices that limit current flow and provide a voltage drop in electrical circuits. Find the value and tolerance of a 4band, 5band, or 6band resistor with our resistor colour code calculator or download our colour code pdf for reference. Resistor color code calculating resistance from color bands. Every color is different number and you can remember these numbers or you can just use the table on next step. Resistor color coding system applies to carbon film resistors, metal oxide film resistors, fusible resistors, precision metal film resistors, and wirewound resistors. The first three bands closest to one end of the resistor are used to. This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. How to read color codes from resistors the value of the resistor is marked on the body using colors. In the case of 5 band and 6 band resistors the first three bands indicate the significant digits and the fourth band.
Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors digikey has to offer. Arnido jr instructor, colegio san agstin bacolod 2. Resistor color code is used to indicate the value of resistance. Resistors and the color codes although the color code is not only for resistors, the ability to read the resistor color code is more required among engineers and scientists. There are many things to keep in mind with resistors like electrical color codes, conversions, values, and sizes. This is to prevent having metal particles in the coating. All the color bands painted on the resistor body are used to indicate the resistance value and tolerance. In a color coding technique, the resistors value is marked on the resistors body by using colors. Resistor colour code and resistor tolerances explained. The resistance value is displayed on the field below together with the. Resistor color code calculator and chart 4band, 5band.
To use this tool, simply click on a particular color and number and watch how the actual bands on the resistor illustration change. Coding is standardized by the electronic industries alliance eia. Color bands are used because they can be easily and cheaply printed on a small electronic component. If it was still not clear to you, check out my page. Look for the 3 colors which they are near on each other. For high voltage resistors often the colors gold and silver are replaced with yellow and gray. Resistor color code and types of resistors introduction to resistors. Resistor color code chart handout pdf teachengineering. It also has a complete resistor color code chart having all values. Their function is to resist the current flowing in the circuit, and how much resistance they provide is measured in ohms. The use of color bands on the body of a resistor is the most common system for indicating the value of a resistor.
All leaded resistors with a power rating up to one watt are marked with colour bands. They are certainly helpful for any techie smart with their hands. Measure the values of the resistors with the dmm to at least three significant digits. How to read colour code of resistor, smd resistor code resistor color code. Color coding is used in electronics to identify between different components. This system was employed for resistors when the surface area was not sufficient to print the resistance value for the past time. However the smaller resistors like those most commonly encountered are colour coded. Pdf realtime resistor color code recognition using. The 5th color band on the right side represent the tolerance of the resistor and the 6th color band represents.
Given 10 different sets of color bands, determine the resistor values and tolerances. A resistor is a passive twoterminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. Resistor color code system how to read the resistor code. Resistor color codes color codes electronics textbook. Read resistor color laboratory 20112012 the first litter word to represent color resistor code in table 1 table 2 resistor tolerance view the resistors and based on the color bands determine its value. If you want to understand resistor color coding then you are at right place where you are explained full resistor calculator depending upon the resistor colour bands which are always confusing for the electricians. At present, token resistor color coding system is applying for automatization. The reason for this is that any numbers printed on the component would very easily be removed and they would not be easy to read. In our previous post we saw that there are many different types of resistor available that can be used in both electrical and electronic circuits the resistance value is a discrete value. This standard describes color coding for axially leaded resistors and numeric code for smd resistors. This system was employed for resistors when the surface area was not sufficient to print the. These colour bands are known as resistor colour code. Resistor color coding uses colored bands to quickly identify a resistors resistive value and its percentage of tolerance with the physical size of the resistor indicating its wattage rating.
There may be three four or sometimes even five rings. This is an international and universally accepted method, developed many years ago as a simple and quick way of identifying a resistors ohmic value no matter what its size or condition. Resistor color code chart how to identify resistance. They are given by several bands and together they specify the resistance value, the tolerance rate and sometimes the reliability or failure rates. Or there are much resistor calculators that you can use. Highpower resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat, may be used as. In the case of resistors, color coding is used to identify a specific resistance value, for example a 100 ohms resistor or a 1 kilo ohms resistor with 5% tolerance. Realtime resistor color code recognition using image processing in mobile devices. Resistor color code system resistor color coding system applies to carbon film resistors, metal oxide film resistors, fusible resistors, precision metal film resistors, and wirewound resistors cylindrical with enlarged ends of the axial lead type. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses.
The resistor color code calculator decodes and identifies a value and tolerance of 4 band wire wound resistors. The use of color bands on the body of a resistor is. A separate code, the 25pair color code, is used to identify wires in some telecommunications cables. In the case of a 3 or 4 band resistor, the first two band indicate the significant digits and the third indicates the multiplier.
The colors painted on the resistors body are called color bands. Resistors can be found in almost every household appliance. The number of bands present in a resistor varies from three. A current that is passed through the resistor is always directly proportional to the voltage across the terminals of the resistors. Steps in determining the value of the color coded resistor hold the resistor. Resistor color code 4 band, 5 band and 6 band resistors. Carbon composition, carbon film, metal film, wire wound, metal oxide resistor. The 4 color bands on the left side are grouped together to represent the resistors resistance value. There are several bands to specify the value of resistance. Resistors are very common components in electronic circuits of all kinds. This chart shows you how you can read the resistor color bands. Just have a look to the resistor color code chart below and see the calculations, how the resistance value is. Resistor colour coding uses coloured bands to easily identify a resistors resistive value and its percentage tolerance. Color coding is also used for capacitors, inductors.
Color coding is a method used to indicate the resistive value, tolerance, and temperature coefficient of resistors with low wattage rating because of their small size. Updated resistor color code pdf chart resistor color. A 6 band color code resistor consists of 6 color bands. Resistor color code 6 band color code 5 band color code 4band color code gry8. The main purpose of a resistor is to maintain specified values of voltage and current in an electronic circuit. A resistor is identified by its pattern of color of bands. Different codes are used for wire leads on devices such as transformers or in building wiring. Find the value and tolerance of a 4 band, 5 band, or 6 band resistor with our resistor color code calculator or download our color code pdf for reference. Our resistor color code calculator is a handy tool for reading carboncomposition resistors whether its a 4band, 5band or 6band type. In our previous post we saw that there are many different types of resistor available that can be used in both electrical and electronic.
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